
03 87 64 04 04

Rue André Maginot
Zac de la Fontaine des Saints,

57365 FLEVY


Troubleshooting and repair

We will handle your needs in terms of repair. You have the possibility to send us your faulty devices that can be repaired. These devices are then sent to the original manufacturer. We submit an offer that includes the amount of the repair and the current price of the same or equivalent new equipment.

Spare Part Repair

Thanks to its network and contacts, E.T.C. deals with the whole process for the repair of any type of spare part, of any brand. Relevant information : E.T.C. counts among its international suppliers many specialists in the repair of obsolete parts.

Troubleshooting for Breakdowns and Emergencies

One of E.T.C.’s specialties is troubleshooting and emergency management.

  • Experience + E.T.C. network = immediate reaction after receipt of the customer request: consultation, offer, troubleshooting.
  • Fast delivery : Express dispatch of the equipment by taxi or by plane when the situation requires it.

E.T.C always looks for the best solution for its customers!